Friday, April 25, 2008

Give Peace A Chance

Dear Peace Sign,

Happy birthday! This month you turn 50. That's quite impressive, considering I'm seeing you more now than I ever have before. You're an interesting symbol with a compelling history and a bright future. You are recognised throughout the world, seen at every protest and you mean a lot to many people. You express what some words cannot. You appear on signs, buttons and shirts and you are a close friend of mine. Thanks, Peace Sign, for all the memories.

Sincerely, Erica.


Unknown said...

My name is Sam and I am currently working with a few other documentarians on a film about the history of the peace sign for the Minnesota History Museum. I was wondering if we could use your close-up photo of the metal peace sign for our film? If so, we would be more than happy to give you film credit.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing back from you!

Sam Sobieck

Unknown said...

My name is Sam and I am currently working with a few other documentarians on a film about the history of the peace sign for the Minnesota History Museum. I was wondering if we could use your close-up photo of the metal peace sign for our film? If so, we would be more than happy to give you film credit.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing back from you!

Sam Sobieck

Erica said...

For sure, Sam.
Help yourself!
You must let me know when this film is done and how I can access it, though!